Statement of Faith
As members of this Church we purpose to engage in daily bible reading and careful study of the scriptures. We will strive to live our lives fully relying on biblical truth and doctrine (Matt 4:4). We will strive to memorize and apply scripture to our daily interactions, at home, at work, and in ministry (Ps 119:11).
We will further give thanks to God for His ultimate plan to save us by sending His Son Jesus Christ (John 3:16), and we will praise the name of Jesus in spirit and in truth, relying on Him for our salvation (Jn 4:24, Acts 4:12). We agree to live a life in surrender to the Holy Spirit. To seek our spiritual gifts and to use them to glorify the name of Jesus in our church and in our community (Rom 8:12-14).
As a Church we will strive together to be thankful for what we have, knowing that God has provided everything we need in this life (Matt 6:33, Heb 13:5). We will also pursue to imitate Christ in our everyday lives to those around us (Rom 12:2, Heb 6:11-12).
We purpose to follow the example of Christ in servant-hood, giving thanks for our salvation (Mark 10:45). We know that salvation comes through faith alone in Jesus Christ and also hold true to the fact that faith without works is dead (Jam 2:17). Therefore, we will strive to serve God continually knowing that we have been saved by grace and not by works (Rom 11:6).
We will glorify Jesus in our Church, through what we say and what we do (Eph 2:10). We will present ourselves as a light in this world so that our God may be glorified (Matt 5:16). With these goals in mind, we will use our gifts to build each other up (1 Cor. 12:4-7).
We believe that we are to serve God continually without ceasing until the return of our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Thess 5:16-23).