What to Expect
When you get to The Rock Baptist Church, look around and you’ll see ordinary people, people just like you, working through the hurts, hang-ups, and struggles we all face. This is a place where people who have experienced the extraordinary touch of the Great Physician come together to celebrate His healing grace and join together to share that grace with those around them. At The Rock, everyone is welcome!
We understand that visiting a new church for the first time might be a tad bit intimidating. We want to make you feel right at home from the moment you step in the door so we’ve provided some answers to common questions below.
Our service begins at 10:00 am. The service is usually 75 minutes in length. Most Sundays there is an opportunity to stay for coffee, tea, and goodies and to enjoy a time of fellowship to catch up or perhaps to meet someone new!
311 Opal Drive
Logan Lake, BC.
Each Sunday morning provides an opportunity for us as a community of faith to pray, listen to God’s word and sing songs of praise together. We embrace both contemporary and traditional music with the hope that the experience of each will foster a meaningful encounter with God.
Wear something that you’re comfortable in- whether that is something casual or something dressier, just be you!
Kids are invited part-way through the service, usually around 10:30am, to participate in a time just for them.
Each Sunday, we have a time during the service where our members and regular attendees give to support the ongoing ministry and mission of the church. As our guest, we want you to feel no obligation to participate.
Feel free to bring along a Bible to follow along or use one provided throughout the sanctuary. The scriptures of the day are often displayed on the powerpoint screen as well.
Communion is a God given opportunity to remember what Jesus has done for us on the cross, and remind ourselves of His love for us and the mission He’s given to each of us to share His love with others. We participate in communion once a month. If this is your first time please feel free to participate or just observe.
It can be difficult to know where to start, so we hope our ministries page will help point you to opportunities to connect with others. The most important thing you need to know…. you are loved.